
The debian/rules file does not provide all required targets. Both build-arch and build-indep must be provided even if they do nothing.

For sources that do not currently split the building of architecture dependent and independent installables, the following rules will fall back on the build target:

build-arch: build
build-indep: build

Some say that the following form is recommended:

build: build-arch build-indep
build-arch: build-stamp
build-indep: build-stamp
    build here

As a modern alternative, you may wish to use the dh sequencer instead. Your sources will no longer be affected by this issue.

Policy now requires those targets. Please add them to avoid rejection.

In your next upload, please also close the bug from the mass bug filing you received. Details are described in the message to debian-devel cited below.

Severity: error
Experimental: false

See also